Are you tired of feeling tight and bound up? Use a massage ball to work out the knots in the muscles of your back, neck, shoulders, hips, feet…well your whole body!
It is a simple process. Just place the ball under the area you want to apply deep pressure. Roll around on the ball until you find the best angle to get at the sore muscles and trigger points. Hold pressure on the trigger points for 90 seconds to release. You can also find the edges of sore spots and apply systemic pressure around the really sore spots to release the fascia that encases the muscle.
I have done some research on the massage balls and have supplied an amazon affiliate link for your convenience. If you decide to purchase this set Kiva will earn dollars and we thank you for your purchase!
Feel free however to peruse the other balls to find a set of massage balls to suit your needs. You might try a softer set, or a set with a little nubs. I personally like this style of ball the best for my tight muscles. I like this set because of the size and texture of the balls, the convenient carry bag and the price.
The carry bag also holds the balls together so you can place them under your neck and head without the balls getting pushed off to the side. You will want to try this technique if you suffer from headaches, whiplash, or a limited range of motion. Frequent sessions with the massage balls will decrease tension and post exertion muscle soreness.